Wadi Umty Dam
Ministry of Regional Municipalities & Water Resources
The site is located on Wadi Halfayn upstream of Umti. The dam is intended to retain short return period floods and to recharge the downstream aquifer through controlled discharge of the retained water. The study selected the design of an approx 30m high and 400m long RCC gravity embankment with a single gallery and limited instrumentation.
1)??????? Project coordination with the Ministry and involved international Consultant
2)????????? Surveying of the entire area of the dam reservoir, down stream area for dam break analysis.
3)????????? Detailed hydrological study including rainfall-runoff analysis, design floods, PMP, PMF, etc.
4)????????? Detailed hydraulic calculation of the spillway design including weir, ogee type, chute, stilling basin.
5)????????? Detailed Design of the dam, outlet works and spillway
6)?????? ?? Assessment of affected properties.
7)????????? Environmental consideration of the project including mitigation measures.
8)????????? Compile tender drawings and specifications.
9) Compile tender report
Preliminary Design
Final Design-Design Review